aku wat biznes edit n print gamba ukuran paspot for final yr..tot dat juz 1-2 person yg nak beli but surprisingly approximately 20 person dat order the printed pic n the soft copy as well..ade yg beli smpai sorang 10keping gamba(which is arfa,my cozmet), ade yg 8 keping ade gak nak soft copy je smpai pjuk2 lg nak free..ish2..org yg camni i juz giv it free but actually the soft copy was charged for 50cent..hihi..xde la bnyak sgt yg order but it juz unexpected figure je..n the total profit as far xsmpai hundred lg..
below are the price list for printed paspot pic;
2 kpg - rm4
4 kpg - rm6
6 kpg - rm8
8 kpg - rm10
soft copy - rm0.50
cpt2 sape nak oder lg..can cum to my room(c233) to book..
cekik darah gak eh aku ni..but kat kdai lg mahal maa..
tp kan sbenanye me n my cozmet had a plan to make a biznes for dinner final yr..dis is for table gift (dila as a designer) n the net capital around rm1500 for 650person..7 of us as pengeluar modal..n the rough profit around rm100/person..but unfortunately MTM college doesn't want it becuz it is too expensive n ask us to make a new one that cost from rm5.50 to rm3..rm3???? for final yr souvenier?? mrepek la dorang ni..ksian final yr dpt adiah murah je..n lastly x jd..then aku wat perniagaan sndri,dpt untung gak..hehe..
thanx for my cozmet gak sbb tanpa dorang xde la aku dpt amik gamba final yr n xdela aku dpt wat biznes ni..nt aku blanje korang eh tp xleh blanje mhal2 sbb kos kmera n masa aku 2 berharga..ngeee..
table gift yg direka oleh dila..cntikkan..mule2 sume suke temasuk pengetua but then nak cut cost pnye psal tepaksa buat len..