13 march 2009
-volleyball competition..mas is the one of the player..usually our kolej got the 1st place in volleybal but not in dis yr..xpe2..korang tetap hebat!
-senamrobik competition as well as closing ceremony for sukan interkolej..surprisingly kolej 11 a.k.a my beloved kolej had won 1st place in senamrobik and also 1st ranking for overall game..TNC da lme perli k11 sbb x pnah menang n dis yr we prove it dat k11 is da great.even bdminton team which is me as manager dpt msuk quarter je tp xpe la.. :(
-i am hidden behind the k11 flag..
28 march 2009
-ha,dis is the special day in march..boyfren's bufday..hihi..i make surprise party wt the helps of my fren..thumbs up to syahid(tukang masak), mazwan(tukang sembunyi kek), leman and nik(tukang tolong masak kot n pasang belon), alia(teman aku beli kek n junk fud), mas(tukang beli belon kot), aina(supportive team), raico n wawa(tukang tiup belon kot n tukang makan..hehe)..thanx for the your support n for cheer up the event..aku plak mse 2 jalan2 ngan bufday boy..ngee..tp i oready made ol the preparation except balloon becuz i think balloon is not suitable for boys,but they want so they buy..hehe..nak tau present pe yg ak bg?tnyela bufday boy.. (=^_^=)
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