dr house
my favourite tv series ever..siyesly aku rindu ko dr house..aku siap beli online lg crite "lucah" ko 2..plz be real n cum to malaysia n diagnose me..plz la..letih aku asik g pk tp xde dr tau aku skit ape..stiap hari dtg pk bg ubat baru....da brape org dr da..plz la bring me to the hospital n hope to see dr house there..really admire la but i know it's not possible..but yet i can daydream rite..luv u lah!fungal, bacteria, spore..juz tell me la..r u really inside my body?but y dr said not possible?tell me the answer la whai bacteria..aku jnji x mrh klu ko(bacteria @fungus) yg ade dlm bdn aku drp menda yg ntah pape msuk body aku..3 kali mimpi pelik..hoping that nothing to do wt my sickness rite now..really hope so..ape2 pun aku berserah pd Allah SWT...
anggap la mimpi 2 mainan tdo je na ek..Hmmm..nanti ak try contact Dr house k...hhehehehe
Hope u get well soon...ak doakan smoga ko cpt smbuh k...
mustahil dr house akan layan ko..klu die x layan aku xde sape bole dpt lyanan dr die..huhu
well, thanx er
got link to download house S5 ody..but only till ep9 hehe..try cucirca.com
o tq my fren..huhu..
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