venue: bangi (so taik dr putrajaya yg dorang treat, temasuk taik PM najib)
motif aku crite??sbb aku bingung nak jd ape..xde kene mengena 20% la related..kan aku da mengarut..2 la tulis lg waktu maghrib
em, last week met my cousin..big boss contractor..da pkai merz..dlu nothing..he asked me where did i study n wat i said upm taking chem eng..he was shocked and the story begun....
popetpopetpopet..he wanted 2 me 2 join venture wt him..crite punye crite he said can make profit till million RM..i know it's true but how it's secret la beb..but can he be trusted by make him my partner..i know that he make so damn big money in just maybe 2-3 yr..but by using me he can get more than that..i mean by using my cert..hmmm..
last 2 days, mr murali call ol of sudden..bnyak kali n lame gile..he talk abt my research..he seem more interested to me doing that research..many things we talk seem i will cooperate wt him n work wt him..prasan!..but still dun hv the decision yet..
aku x tau la aku minat ape..aku suke prof azni so aku rse nak amik environmental eng like abv(proses taik)..taik pun bole kaya again, saat sume org dpt A subjek prof Azni aku dpt B..sedih..da 2 subjek die aku dpt B..
opportunity is there but like there is one barrier stop me want to be wat i want to..emm..maybe bkn barrier,aku je yg wat 2 jd penghalang..ape2 nak lyn..aku bingung je ni..
gud news, kulop n aina dpt keje A&W..wat a relief ade teman..bile la nak dpt gaji ni..aku da mkn megi da jap lg aku nak mkn kat mines..hihi
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